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Jury Duty for Johnathan - Right (2005)

2006 Story Set

Date: June 16, 2006, October 2019 edit

        Want to hear something really stupid???
        The silly people in Alameda County just sent a JURY SUMMONS to
        JOHNATHAN -- my dead son..

  There are no printable words------

        These are the same incompetents who received so many letters from
Stanford and Lucille-Packard hospitals that the doctors were tired of writing
them! They constantly tried to get the sole care-giver removed from a critical
patient. And when that did not work, they tried to get him! Even off his
deathbed! Fools all.

        I "officially" moved to San Diego in November, 2005, several months after
he died. I work contract for a high-tech firm (since April 2006) but even on
salary, my residence is still San Diego, where my clothing, furniture, one car
(soon two if I can find the beetle) and most of my computers are. I live out of
suitcases up here in a house I am trying to sell. After that I will rent. As long as
that is required. My heart and the urn holding Johnathan's ashes remain at home
in San Diego, Scripps Ranch.

        I dutifully filed a change of address with the AAA (auto club) auto counter
and carry an address card for my driver's license.

        However, when I did get DMV renewals, I saw that they have NOT
processed the address change.

        I have, after changing everything to San Diego, had to have mail sent back
up here.[Fremont] I was getting too much a week (junk) and it overflowed the mailbox.
I also stopped driving back and forth weekly. I am thinking of flying back
and forth. With pets. Maybe not.

        So my mail temporarily comes back to Fremont. Only until the house sells.
        Gave them false hope I guess.

        They promptly summoned me for jury duty for June 5th.

        I grabbed my utility bill for San Diego and waited. Turns out, I was excused
without being called.
        So I can file my change of address (again), register to vote in San Diego and
get rid of the Alameda pests. I have sworn that I will never serve on a jury in a county
that was so callus as to summon my dying child.

        (Yes, between the two different leukemias, when he was stable and I was
unemployed, I actually showed up one day for jury duty, we were sent home,
and lo and behold, I got summoned 6 months later. I took great joy telling them
that I had 18 months free and to go do something unpleasant with their
summons. Well, I was more polite than that. Just. Barely.)

        I came home Thursday, June 15th, just two weeks after my summons, tired
(must be the heat), and found another jury notice. I fumed. Idiots! I have 12
months! Free of you! At least! I didn't check the mail in detail because the
mailman had stuffed a QVC delivery into the small mailbox and it took me
three minutes to wrestle it out.

        When I got inside, there it was. Not my name. Johnathan's name, clear as glass.

        I was furious. It's bad enough they tried to recruit him for the Army (after his
death). It's bad enough that I get flyers from Big & Tall (where I took him
shopping, and he told the clerk he was my Barbie doll). It's bad enough he died
February 25, 2005.

        So I contacted members of my family. By e-mail. Vent!

        One of my sisters answered:
        ---Tell them that he needs a wheelchair-accessible court to serve in as he was
cremated and they would need to give him special accommodations.

        ---Write something up so ghoulish that they will cringe with regret and sorrow
and go get sick over lunch.

       Be creative
       It helps stop tears.

        What a great idea!
        So I started collecting my thoughts.

        bulletWhen shall I bring him up from San Diego? He's sitting on the piano in
        the living room down there.
        bullet Do you have a proper display area for the urn?
        bullet What time shall I drop him off?
        bullet How will the urn get through the metal detector?
        bullet What time shall I pick him up?
        bulletCan he be jury foreman?
        bulletHe'll have to be polished and dust free at all times - no fingerprints. I'll
        provide a polishing cloth.
        bulletDo you have proper handicap facilities for a dead man?

        Holy moly - this could be hilarious.

        The kind of thing John would have laughed himself sick over.

        My family contributed a few more. (We are a macabre group)

        bulletHe never has to take potty breaks as he already is a pot.
        bulletHe does not require Perrier water at breaks as water would just muddy up
        his thought process.
        bulletHe won't need a parking space or lunch breaks.
        bulletHowever, he may seem non-reactive to testimony - - -
        bulletAnd tell them that he "urned" the right to be the jury foreman!

        Johnathan is LAUGHING!!!!!! I swear I can hear him!!!!
        (Remember all the fire jokes I got when I set my kitchen on fire?)
        Giggle giggle giggle.
        Oh yes ---

        bulletWe can provide an affidavit that he is not carrying a concealed weapon of
        any kind.
        bulletA concealed weapons search is forbidden.
        bulletBy law - the urn cannot be opened.
        bulletThe urn contents are not explosive.

        I, however, probably am.

purple bar

My eBooks on Amazon - Hot Cop Romances

My eBooks on Amazon - Historical Regencies

My eBooks on Amazon - Paranormal - Including the Italian Vampire - The book written for the Fabio Fans.


The Misfit - Historical Regency - Coming soon


Technical Textbook Re-release


www.Donnamaie.com my home page
Caliente Morgan my pen name for Hot Cops series - Contemporary sexy alpha books - and the Vampire series
Lady Morgan
my pen name for Regency books
WhitePubs.com My California Corporation - I Produce eBooks, print books - mine

Fabio Inc. (Fabio Inc. Business pages)
Fabio International Fan Club Fan Club Pages since 1995 - Latest news - also see the Facebook Group Page

Fabio Fan club Facebook Group Page (closed group - takes approval)

www.Facebook.com/Whitepubs/ My Facebook Author Page

WhitePubsFan My Author Fan Facebook Group Page (closed group - takes approval)
(you can talk to me!) Exerpts and stories behind the books will pop up here

Why Whitepubs? Because I have three pen names. Four if you count my technical books!

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